
Weaving is acknowledged as one of the oldest surviving crafts in the world. In the North, Bangar, La Union is known for its handlooms from the historic ages. Loom weaving dispenses a significant role in the economic progress of Bangar for its known as the “Home of the World’s Famous Inabel Blanket”.

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In today’s generation, Blacksmithing is indeed a rare skill and special art handed down from generation to generation. Bangareños are proud to uphold the traditions and history of blacksmithing as we pursue to advance our trade into the next generations. In the Philippines, a person skilled in blacksmithing is called “Panday”.

Bangar, La Union is not just the “Home of the World’s Famous Inabel Blanket” but also known for its blacksmithing or panday. This has been a traditional item in the town of Bangar, the handgrip of the bolo is made of carabao horns that make more than a kitchen tool but a work of art. On market days, you can also see an array of beautifully hammered knives or “buneng” everywhere in the market.